~ my 365 project.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Week Two

So far I am hanging in there and the awkwardness of whipping out my camera is diminishing. My bag now feels so strange when I don't have the camera in it.

Week Two, originally uploaded by cgiordan25.

Tonight I noticed when I left work at 4:45 it was still a little light out and I though to myself, "I need to take more pictures." When I was coming out of the daycare the Helicopter was there on the hospital landing pad and getting ready to take off. I was able to snap a few shots but of course only one sorta came out.
Again if I had not had the camera as an extension of my arm then I would not have even gotten the bad picture.

1 comment:

  1. My eye is instantly drawn to the green chair photo. But then it keeps hopping around to the other great pics. :) So nice seeing you, and of the lake (?) shot with the branch is so beautifully composed. Great week for you. :)



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Married to my best friend (most days) and mother to 3 beautiful children. Currently on the greatest adventure of my life (motherhood).

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